Wada's Wardrobe
Wada’s Wardrobe was born based on the thirst for fashion, trend and couture. It’s a blend of daily casuals to the catwalk extravagant. You’ll find lots of interesting products carefully selected to fulfill your fashion ego.
The person responsible behind the writings is me; a simple girl with big dreams that someday she’ll have her own boutique. She has this unexplainable fetish when it comes to clothes and bags, so you will find lots of those in wada’s wardrobe.
A huge thanks to my loved ones for making all the dreams come true ~
At present, she’s a part-time blogger but soon to be a full time blogger (=
But at the end of the day, wada’s wardrobe will always be her home sweet home.

If you have any questions or any other request,
you can always email us =)
our email : wadaswardrobe@gmail.com